----------Pre-requisite: Dogs must have gone through Teen Puppy classes or equivalent Group classes, you will learn how dogs think and process information which provides the basis for learning the skills required to promote effective communication between you and your dog. In other words, you are going to learn how to "think dog."
Techniques include the promotion of a dog’s socialization skills at an early age. This helps the dog's maturation process, insures positive interactions with other dogs, promotes desirable exercise through dog play and helps to minimize a dog’s loss of focus on its guardian when other dogs or distractions are in the vicinity. These techniques will help you become part of the training process while providing you with the tools to prevent future behavior problems.
Classes consist of 7 sessions on the same day of consecutive weeks (holiday weeks excepted). Five class types may be held each 7-week session although this may vary due to facility limitations. The five class types are:

- Puppy Kindergarten (12-24 weeks of age)

- Teen Puppy (7-24 months of age)

- Advanced Adult (2 years and older)

- Canine Good Citizen Certification (1 year and older)
- Intro to Agility, Agility 101 and 102 (1 year and older)
Click here to see the location, dates and cost for upcoming group classes..
Puppy Kindergarten Agenda (12 weeks to 24 weeks old)
- Basic Manners (sit, down, stand, greet people politely, pay attention, drop it, recall)
- Socialization
- Mouthing and Chewing
- Leash Training (stop the pulling)
- Problem Solving (house training, barking, digging, jumping, mouthing, chewing, pulling on leash)
- Special Technique to calm your puppy
- Crate Training
- House Training
- Handling
- Impulse Control (Stay)
- Recall/Come
- Drop It
Teen Puppy Agenda (7 months to 24 months old)
- Basic Manners-sit, down, stay, stand, greet people politely, pay attention, drop it, recall, leave it
- Chewing
- Socialization
- Establishing a bond with your puppy as they go through adolescence
- Problem solving (counter-surfing, barking, digging, jumping, chewing)
- Importance of Exercise
- Impulse Control (Leave It and Stay)
- Leash Training (stop the pulling)
- Heel
- Settle
- Recall/Come
Adult Good Dog Agenda (2 years old and older)
- Intro to Positive Reinforcement Training
- Canine Body Language
- Stay (Duration, Distance, Distractions)
- Leave It
- Polite People Greeting
- Focus
- Recall/Come
- Wait
- Loose Leash Walking
- Drop It
- Heel Parts 1 and 2
- Targeting
- Dog-to-Dog Greetings
Advanced Adult Dog Agenda (2 years old and older)
Pre-requisite: Dogs must have gone through Teen Puppy classes or equivalent
- Long Distance Stay
-Long Distance Recall
-Front and Center
-Off Leash Heeling
-Right Side/Left Side
- Back-up
Canine Good Citizen Certification Agenda (9 months old and older)
- Dogs and Guardians must pass 10 Test Items
- First 6 classes will be instruction on Test Items
- 7th class will be testing each dog, independently
- Click here for Pre-requisite Requirements and Basic Skills
AGILITY FOUNDATIONS (one year and older with vet approval)
- Ground Work without Equipment
- Build Drive
- Shadow Handling
- Handler Learns Timing, Coordination and Body Control, Shaping Basics, Reward Delivery, etc.
- Dog Learns Different Rewards, Different Procedures for moving around exercises, Core Strategies,
Stay and Start, Follow Shoulders, Ways to interact with various objects and materials, etc.
Private lessons provide more focused training, and are recommended for dogs with behavioral problems such as resource guarding, dog aggression, fearfulness, reactivity, destruction, and separation anxiety. Private lessons might also give more members of your family the opportunity to learn the training techniques. This is critically important in the successful training of a dog, since all members of your family must be consistent in their interactions with the dog.
Private lessons might be at your home and/or at a site more appropriate to the environment in which the problem behavior occurs. For example, if the problem is one of the dog’s inattentiveness to you when other dogs are around, it might be more appropriate to initiate training at a public park or a street frequented by dog walkers.
Ultimately, the effectiveness of Fran and her training techniques are measured by the behavior of her canine students and your satisfaction. You are invited to read comments by her clients on the Testimonial page. Additional information about Fran and her professional qualifications can be found on the Meet The Trainer page of this website.
To schedule a private lesson and/or to get information about any of our classes contact Fran by one of the following:
Phone: 585-752-9398, or
2025 Spring Class Schedule
23 Linden Park, Rochester, NY 14625
Phone: 585-600- PAWS (7297)
TO REGISTER: 585-752-9398
Paws & Claws Pet Care, Inc.
23 Linden Park, Rochester, NY (off Rte. 441 in Penfield)
Also offers Doggie Day Care, Boarding,and Grooming
Classes will be held at:
23 Linden Park
CALL 585-752-9398 TO REGISTER
Email: pawsitivebehavior@frontier.com
Classes Offered:
$64+tax for 4-Session Package
Every Saturday 11:00 AM - Noon
Age: 12 weeks to 28 weeks
Reservations Required
Call Fran Schoenfeld (585-752-9398) for Information and Registration
Trainers: Donna Ehle, Kate Schmitt, and Fran Schoenfeld
Puppy Kindergarten Class Fee is $170+tax
Age: 12 - 24 weeks of age
Dogs must be Dog and People Friendly
MONDAYS: March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 21, 28, and May 5.
(Small Breeds 30Lbs and under full grown)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
(Medium-Large Breeds over 30Lbs full grown)
7:30pm - 8:30pm
No classes April 14
Trainer: Mike Macaluso
Teen Puppy Class Fee is $180+tax
Age: 7 - 24 months of age
Dogs must be Dog and People Friendly
TUESDAYS: March 18, 25, April 1, 8, 22, 29, and May 6
(Small Breeds 30# and under full grown)
7:15pm - 8:15pm
(Medium-Large Breeds over 30# full grown)
8:30pm - 9:30pm
No classes April 15
Trainer: Jeff Bushorr
Teen Puppy Class Fee is $180+tax
Age: 7 - 24 months of age
Dogs must be Dog and People Friendly
WEDNESDAYS: March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 23, 30, and May 7
(Medium-Large Breeds over 30# full grown)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
No class April 16
Trainer: Stacey Orlen
Teen Puppy Class Fee is $180+tax
Age: 7 - 24 months of age
Dogs must be Dog and People Friendly
THURSDAYS: March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 24, May 1, and 8
(Small Breeds 30# and under full grown)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
(Medium-Large Breeds over 30# full grown)
7:15pm - 8:15pm
No classes April 17
Trainer: Jeff Bushorr
Adult Good Dog Fee is $180+tax
Age: 2 years and up
Dogs must be Dog and People Friendly
(Small Breeds 30# and under full grown)
8:30pm - 9:30pm
TUESDAYS: March 18, 25, April 1, 8, 22, 29, and May 6
No class April 15
(Medium-Large Breeds over 30# full grown)
8:30pm - 9:30pm
THURSDAYS: March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 24, May 1, and 8
No class April 17
Trainer: Jeff Bushorr
Canine Good Citizen Certification Fee is $190+tax
Age: 9 months and older (Trainer Approved)
Dogs Must be Dog and People Friendly
(All Breeds and Sizes Welcome)
Pre-requisites: Teen Puppy Class or Equivalent
7:30pm - 8:30pm
WEDNESDAYS: March 26, April 2, 9, 23, 30, May 7 and 14
Test Date: May 14 @6:30pm
No class April 16
Trainer: Stacey Orlen
Agility Foundations Fee is $190+tax
Age: One year and older (Vet approved)
Dogs Must be Dog and People Friendly
(All Breeds and Sizes Welcome)
Pre-requisites: Teen Puppy Class or Equivalent
1:15pm - 2:15pm
SATURDAYS: March 22, 29, April 5, 12, 26, May 3, 10, and 17
No class April 19
Trainers: Bob Saetta and Fran Schoenfeld
1. No more than 7 dogs in a class, EXCEPT Agility Foundations Class.
2. No more than 2 adults per dog.
3. No one under 12 years of age allowed in building due to insurance liability. No exceptions.
4. Dogs must be people and dog friendly. If not, trainer has responsibility/authority to remove dog and handler from class.
$170 + Tax
Puppy Kindergarten
$180 + Tax
Teen Puppy
$180 + Tax Adult Good Dog
$190 + Tax Canine Good Citizen Certification
$190 + Tax Agility Foundations
$180 + Tax Advanced Adult Good Dog
$64 + Tax Puppy Socialization 4-Session Packages
NOTE: Puppies/Dogs must be dog and people friendly, free from parasites,
and up-to-date on required vaccinations, including Kennel Cough (Bordetella).
DO NOT bring puppies/dogs to the first class which is Orientation for guardians only.
Exception: Canine Good Citizen, Advanced Adult Dog and Agility Foundations
New clients must complete Owner Information on pawsandclaws585.com website or call Fran.
FOR PAYMENT: Call 585-600-PAWS (7297).

1. Puppies and Adult Dogs must be current on Rabies (over 4 months of age) as well as Distemper and Kennel Cough (Bordetella)
Six-foot-long leather or nylon leash (thickness should correspond to size of the dog).
Retractable leashes are not recommended for training; no prong, choke, or shock collars.
Approximately 100 pea-sized soft treats that your dog really likes (chicken, cheese, liver, hot

dogs). You will need a training pouch to house the treats. Make sure your puppy has a

good appetite for class.
Clicker: You will be given one in Week 1 Orientation or bring one. We will be using the clicker for Loose Leash

Walking training. You can then decide whether you want to continue using the clicker for all training.
Proper shoes prevent injury. No open-toed shoes or sandals please.
Bring puppy's favorite mat/rug/pillow and favorite toy to relax. Treat filled Kongs are great to keep puppies